At B-Biosca we are enterprising, multidisciplinary people who love their company well aware that a job well done, innovation, continuous improvement, sustainability, diversity and teamwork are our tools to always provide the best service.
We provide specialized construction services to small, medium and large companies, as well as to private individuals.

We transport all types of aggregates and construction materials and advise on the type and quantities of aggregates to be used.
Building - Rehabilitation
Construction of buildings in different types of projects, rehabilitation and housing restoration, equipment, schools, sports centers, shopping centers, offices and industrial warehouses.
Civil works
Works and infrastructures linked to projects both on industrial land and in the residential environment.
Excavations, earthworks and land preparation for restoration and construction.
Pioneers and leaders in demolitions, always updating ourselves with newest systems and working methods, as well as new machinery and equipment.
Integral maintenance of buildings with the aim of maintaining the state of conservation of the structures and installations. Maintenance of public roads: streets, highways and paths.
Planting, pruning, phytosanitary treatments, application of herbicides and mowing of lawns.
Industrial warehouses at Nº 18, Barcelona Av., Tàrrega
Mercadona S.A.
Project to improve the accessibility in Anselm Clavé Street, Lleida
Municipal Urban Planning
By Pass La Seu Vella, Lleida
FCC Aqualia S.A.
Maintenance, conservation and improvement plan for sidewalks and immediate action brigade (BAI) 2018 – 2019
Lleida City Hall
At B-Biosca we are very committed to CSR and we are committed to quality, the environment, health and safety at work.
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
Quality commitment
Environmental engagement
Occupation health and safety in the workplace